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I finally figured out what I wanted to do in order to turn my completed pendant into a necklace. The strands criss-cross and look much more substantial than a single strap would look. In fact, when it's worn, they nest more closely together and look wonderful! The ultra-suede backing on the pendant helps to distribute the weight of the central fossil.

Ingredient list: orthoceras fossil, turquoise, onyx, sugilite, and vermeil.

Now I just need a name for it!

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indigogarden said…
Cindy, you really outdid yourself on this one. It is beautiful! :)
Cyndi L said…
Hey! Whatcha up to? I forgot that you have this salsa/gardening kick going :-)

Thanks so much for your visit and vote of support ~

Anonymous said…
Holy Frijole, that's amazing! Gorgeous.
Cyndi L said…
Thanks Yolie :-)
