Copper and Bone necklace Unusual material that you don't see in this combination everyday To recap, here are the principles that I suggest you think about as you seek to make your stringing designs unique enough to stand out from the crowd. Don't try to cram all of these ideas into one piece. Yikes! Make your own components or beads Work with asymmetrical designs Use multiple strands Develop a recognizable style Use unusual materials Choose daring color combinations The links will all lead you to tutorials, but please don't feel that you much duplicate these pieces exactly...that's exactly contrary to the point! Rock Candy I've fulfilled the principle of making my own beads in this necklace Flapper A classic asymmetrical design Ocean Lariat Multiple strands Blow a Fuse A bold color combination, and kind of unusual materials as well! Part one Copyright 2013 Cyndi Lavin. All rights reserved...