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Showing posts from April, 2017

heART beats from other blogs!

Creating custom jewelry tags Wire charm ring tutorial Open registration for free online crazy quilting class (closes midnight April 29) The best way to trim asparagus Taco recipes to get you ready for Cinco de Mayo

Bead stringing tutorials

Sunlit Seas One of the first beading techniques that most people learn is how to string.  After moving on to bead weaving, bead embroidery, and mixed media techniques, some of us forget about that thrill that we got when we first learned how to string a pleasing necklace.  We forget how exciting it was to learn how to finish off a piece with a polished-looking closure.   Never forget the basics! African Trade Beads Here is a link to a master list of the stringing projects with tutorials that I've posted over the years.  Maybe you can find something fun that you'll enjoy stringing up for the new season! Rock Candy Making your beading designs unique  - part one Making your beading designs unique  - part two Making your beading designs unique  - part three Copyright 2017 Cyndi Lavin. All rights reserved. Not to be reprinted, resold, or redistributed for profit. May be printed out for personal use or distributed electroni...

heART beats from other blogs!

Crazy quilt calendar contest 7 Secrets of black & white photography Lariat necklace tutorial How to bake a pie with frozen fruit Selling beads vs selling finished jewelry Learn jewelry making one skill at a time

Waves - a beaded necklace tutorial

Unfortunately, I do not have any step-out photos for this necklace.  I actually made it a long time ago, back before I was keeping a blog with tutorials.  But the theory behind making a necklace like this is simple enough, so I'll share with you how it came to be. "Waves" features a lovely four-holed fused glass pendant by Jeanne Kent of New Terra Artifacts .  It also contains Chinese turquoise, green onxy, amazonite, sodalite, fresh water pearls, crystals, seed beads, and my own lampworked glass beads.  My glass beads provide the structure for the design.  I mentally spaced out the large-holed beads and created the necklace straps in several passes. You will find all the beautiful beads that you need at Beadaholique or your favorite local bead store. The first pass went from the clasp down through one outside hole, across the bottom to the next hole, and back up through that one, creating a second necklace strand up towards the staring point.  A th...

heART beats from other blogs!

New SoftFlex designs Top 10 tips for selling outdoors Bird's nest wire earrings tutorial Designing jewelry that will sell Chocolate-filled shortbread cookie recipe 100 Days of gelli printed mandalas

Earrings tutorials

Dutch spiral I have needed to update my earrings tutorial page for awhile now!  Here they all are in one place, and you can find this post easily through the Tutorials tab at the top of the blog page. Dutch spiral Single earring for summer Simple and fast Right angle weave Blue hearts and wire Leftover beads Chain and pearl Chainmaille Hanukkah  Shank buttons and beads Hammered wire and beads Chain drop with pearls Simple polymer clay beads Chainmaille and beads Pompoms Simple lampwork beads Pink bubbles Leaves

heART beats from other blogs!

DIY faux metallic rubbing wax Wire helix earrings Color palette generating tools Design a blog to match your website  

Book review: Jewelry Made with Wire and Fiber

Perhaps you remember Nealay Patel from the beautiful projects in his book Jewelry Designs with Knitted Wire   (here's my review ).  There are so many things to like about Nealay's design aesthetic and his work, so you will be as happy as I am to learn that he has written a brand new book, bringing wire, fiber, and beads together into gorgeous new projects!  Enter Jewelry Made with Wire and Fiber . If you've been beading for any length of time, you probably already have most of the tools and materials needed to work through these projects.  But here's the best part: although these projects are all very easy to make, they are BIG on style! You might need to add a mandrel or a jig to your tool kit, and perhaps you'll need to find some of the flat and round fiber cords that Nealay uses, but resources are listed, so don't worry. Nealay gave me permission to share a few of the projects with you so that you'll be able to see how pretty they are.  See that...

Bead making tutorials

Happy Spring!  It's always nice to try something new at the beginning of a new season.  I have a list of resources and my own tutorials at the link, which may help you decide what to try next...  Beadweaving?  Lampwork?  Metal? Try one, try them all! Copyright 2017 Cyndi Lavin. All rights reserved. Not to be reprinted, resold, or redistributed for profit. May be printed out for personal use or distributed electronically provided that entire file, including this notice, remains intact.