Gimme the Blues!! A piece of bead embroidery like this might look complicated, but it's really pretty easy when you break it down. And that's exactly what I'm going to do today and next week! So grab your seed beads, a pretty focal, some foundation fabric, and join me in this project. Materials Focal mix, magnesite Pearl mix, cultured freshwater Size 8/0 seed beads (I used Dyna-Mites) Color-lined aqua blue Size 11/0 seed beads (I used Preciosa and Dyna-Mites) Opaque blue Opaque sea blue Iris blue Black Size 15/0 seed beads (I used Dyna-Mites) Black Tools Nymo, black, size O Beading needles Scissors Foundation fabric, like ultra-suede Double sided tape 1. Stick your stone down with a small piece of double sided tape, or glue it if you prefer. Back stitch around the stone, stitching size 11/0 seed beads in groups of four. If you absolutely can't make it work out to be divisible by four, you can add a second...