My brand new e-book is ready to go!! I am so excited about it, I could scream! But since you can't hear me, I'll just write about it instead :-) Bored By Back Stitch Would you like to learn to use beadweaving stitches to spice up your bead embroidery designs? Bored By Back Stitch will teach you how to create twelve different bead embroidery motifs, using nine different beadweaving stitches. Learn how beadweaving stitches can be morphed into beautiful bead embroidered motifs, created to surround and enhance your cabochons or accent beads. The specific motifs you will learn in Bored By Back Stitch are designs that use embroidered forms of basic peyote, Cellini spiral peyote, brick, Russian spiral, herringbone, chevron chain, right angle weave, square, African helix, and double or single St Petersburg chain. In addition, there are step-by-step instructions for three projects to help you use your motifs, one of which is shown above. ...