For the last several years, I have been exploring how my favorite beadweaving stitches can be integrated with bead embroidery. The first step was to use some off-loom stitches as embellishments. From there I moved on to using peyote, square, and right angle weave to attach embroidered components together. So what was next? Well, it seems so obvious now in hindsight: transform beadweaving stitches into embroidery stitches! But of course! So I spent several months figuring out how to create bead embroidery motifs from all my favorite stitches, motifs which could surround and enhance my cabochons and accent beads, and many of which can also be used in a free-form style. Then I spent the next year figuring out how to mix and match them for even more design possibilities. The result was my e-book, Bored By Back Stitch , and today I want to share an excerpt with you, featuring the St Petersburg Chain used as an embroidery motif :-) 1...