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Showing posts from February, 2014

heART beats from other blogs!

#Durathon Iron Giveaway! An iron is used for everyday house chores, but it is also an important tool for many needlework crafters. Find out how you can win an awesome new Hamilton Beach Durathon irong. Mixed Media Artist Check out how you can use dryer sheets to "paint" a quilt! Cinnabar Chinese Lantern Earrings & Necklace Eileen set out to make a set of jewelry for Valentine's Day. When she went to her red bead stash, her eyes locked on some beautiful red carved cinnabar beads just perfect for the design she had in mind anyway! A Bead A Day Ever been to sunny Beadland? Lisa shares details of her recent trip...Is this the real life or is this just fantasy? Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done! Jean writes a poem about (what else?) jewelry making as she participates in a fun 30 word blog hop created by Erin Prais-Hintz Anniversary Quilt: Middles and Ends Cherie continues working on her quilt project. Carmi's Art/Life World How...

Book review: The Jewelry Maker's Design Book - an alchemy of objects

Inspiring is the word you will hear used time and again when people talk about Deryn Mentock's new book, The Jewelry Maker's Design Book .  First, I want to tell you what this book is not , so that you don't end up buying it under false impressions: it is not a book with projects that you'll be able to easily duplicate exactly.  It's very unlikely that you'll be able to (or even necessarily want to) find exact replicas of all the objects Deryn uses.  You may find that frustrating, especially if you're a beginner to mixed media and found object jewelry, but that's just the facts.  If you don't care for Deryn's preference for religious imagery, you won't want to use the same objects in any case. There, you've been warned.  Now I can tell you all the great things that this book is !  It is an extension of Deryn's journal, a closer look at what she does and how she does it, the creative process that she follows to make her beaut...

Fiber and fabric beading artist profiles

Joan Babcock Wow!  I didn't even realize how many wonderful artists we have met over the years who work with fabric and fibers along with their beads!  This is a pretty impressive list: Kydo Jewellery Marina Rybak Sarah Sequins Joan Babcock Dunitz & Company Robbie Payne Claudia Chase Tina Wick Benjamin John Coleman Sherri Stokey Tatyana Fedorikhina Laura West Kong Marilyn Goodman Love Heals Jorie Johnson One World Projects The Leakey Collection Leonor Pisano Lena Phoenix Rebecca Brown Tina Koyama Annika deGroot Technorati Tags: bead embroidery , handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media , beading

Recent publications: February 2014

Wire and Bead Celtic Jewelry by Linda Jones Twist, Turn & Tie: 50 Japanese Braids by Beth Kemp Stylish Jewelry Your Way: Designs in Stringing, Wirework, Stitching, Metalwork, and More by Editors of Bead&Button Magazine Marcia DeCoster Presents: Interviews with 30 Beaders on Inspiration & Technique (Spotlight on Beading Series) by Marcia DeCoster ( Review ) How to Make Beaded Bags, Purses and Other Beaded Accessories: 35 vintage patterns with complete step-by-step instructions ... by Fledgling Studio and John R. Cumbow Mastering Herringbone Stitch: The Complete Guide by Melinda Barta Patina: 300+ Coloration Effects for Jewelers & Metalsmiths by Matthew Runfola Simple Soldered Jewelry & Accessories: 40+ Creative Projects by Lisa Bluhm Technorati Tags: bead embroidery , handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media , beading

The best books on fiber and fabric beading

Most bead embroidery is stitched onto fabric of some sort, even if it's only interfacing, so I decided to steer away from that topic for this list.  Instead, you'll find books in which the fabrics and fibers take a more active role! Visual Guide to Art Quilting by Lindsay Conner Joyful Daily Stitching, Seam by Seam by Valerie Bothell Micro-Macrame Jewelry by Kelsy Eason The Embroidery Book by Christen Brown Sensational Soutache Jewelry Making by Csilla Papp Kumihimo Jewelry Simplified by Rebecca Ann Combs DIY Wrap Bracelets by Keiko Sakamoto Fiber & Cord Jewelry by Ashley Bunting Bead Crochet Basics by Candice Sexton Micro-Macrame Basics and Beyond by Raquel Cruz Beautiful Leather Jewelry by Melissa Cable Kumihimo Basics and Beyond by Rebecca Ann Combs Soutache  by Anneta Valious Sweet and Simple Jewelry  by Aimee Ray Exploring Dimensional Quilt Art by C June Barnes The Beaded Edge  by Nidori Nishida Tapestry Bead...

Bead Journal Project: February 2014

Well, I didn't manage to completely finish my Bead Journal Project piece for February, but since my goal is to make larger pieces for it this year, I'm not really concerned about churning out one each month.  What I really want to do is to explore some of the possibilities of mixing the stitches that I w rote about in  my e-book  Bored By Back Stitch .  Each of the necklace components shown above use at least two (most use three or more) of the beadweaving stitches that I adapted for bead embroidery.  I'm enjoying experimenting with putting them together in different combinations: African helix with chevron, Russian spiral with herringbone, right angle weave with peyote...on and on we go!  Back stitch and stack stitch appear too, of course, along with edging brick stitch, which I use to attach the fabric backing to each piece.  January February Copyright 2014 Cyndi Lavin. All rights reserved. Not to be reprinted, resold, or redistributed for...

heART beats from other blogs!

Mixed media quilt project Cherie continues the middle squares of her anniversary quilt. Crocheting and Playing Tammy takes a look at a relatively new book from Running Press that has some adorable baby and young children's projects. Carmi's Art/Life World There is a truly exciting way to create a scarf that does not require you using knitting or crochet needles. Take a peak at what you can make with water soluble stabilizer. Mixed Media Artist Dryer sheets? DRYER SHEETS?? Yup...they're great! Snap out it,Jean! There's beading to be done! Jean reviews the fascinating jewelry design book, Soutache & Bead Embroidery by Amee K. Sweet-McNamara Charlene Sevier Jewelry Yes, you too can learn to solder and make gorgeous jewelry using techniques traditionally used to make stained glass. Charlene reviews a book that shows you how. Downton Abbey Inspired Earrings & Bracelet Truth be told, the set wasn't inspired by Downton Abbey. The earrings were...

Fiber and fabric beading tutorials

Twisted ribbon necklace In some of these projects, fiber or fabric is the main component, while in others it serves as a strap or a backdrop.  Not all of the tutorials are for jewelry either... Crocodile stitch hat and gloves Honeycomb stitch scarf Crocheted scarves Freeform crochet samples (no beads used) More...part two   And part three Sandcast beads Boho necklace Freshwater pearls stitched bracelet A crocheted bead bracelet for summer A Shamballa bracelet with larger beads Leather bracelet with oval links Turquoise bead embroidered soft cuff bracelet Mini-Shamballa bracelets Shamballa bracelets with ribbon and cupchain Beaded wrap bracelets 3D pyramid form 3D orb form Spring ribbon necklace with beaded beads 3D crescent form Boot toppers 3D circle form Pretty As You Please bracelet Metal mesh bead embroidered necklace Twisted ribbon necklace Shibori silk wild rose necklace Making shibori flowers and leaves Doub...

The best books on making beads

Do you want to make beads from one medium or from many?  Here are the best books in each category to help you learn to make the beads of your dreams! The Complete Book of Glass Beadmaking  by Kimberley Adams Glass Bead Workshop  by Jeri Warhaftig Making Metal Beads  by Pauline Warg Making Polymer Clay Beads  by Carol Blackburn Polymer Clay Beads  by Grant Diffendaffer Ancient Modern Polymer Clay and Wire Jewelry  by Ronna Sarvas Weltman Ceramic Bead Jewelry  by Jennifer Heynen Fabulous Fabric Beads  by Kristal Wick The Art of Metal Clay  by Sherri Haab Metal Clay Beads  by Barbara Becker Simon Pure Silver Metal Clay Beads  by Linda Kaye-Moses Creating Extraordinary Beads from Ordinary Material  by Tina Casey

Necklace with soutache braid trim - part one

Last week, I showed you some of my practice exercises   that I went through in order to be able to work more smoothly with soutache braid.  I won't say that I've arrived, but I'm more comfortable with it than I was a few weeks ago.  That said, I have to admit that I didn't really enjoy working with soutache that much and most likely won't be making a lot more pieces with it.  But we'll see! I decided to keep my new necklace very simple in construction, since the motifs are a bit complicated.  Each one of the seven uses a different bead weaving stitch in a bead embroidery form.  You might recognize these as the pieces that I made for the Bead Journal Project last year, which led to my e-book, Bored By Back Stitch . So here's how I put the necklace together: After I decided how the beaded motifs would be arranged, I began to work on how to wrap and soutache braids.  I found markers to be very helpful in plotting out the path of the braids. ...

heART beats from other blogs!

Postcard: Thanks to the Lord Cherie works on postcard art for June's mail exchange. Mixed Media Artist Maleficent the Dragon is joining Disney's theme park parade this spring, and Cyndi's daughter had (more than one) hand in helping to construct her! Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done! Jean has a giveaway of a fantastic book, Simple Soldered Jewelry & Accessories by Lisa Bluhm ! Comment on her blog and get a chance to win this classic! It is truly a terrific book! Resin Crafts Blog This week I had an opportunity to experiment with a new medium, Powertex, which allowed me to turn crocheted doilies into bezels I can pour resin into. Carmi's Art/ Life There is nothing like a fabulous bezel to inspire an equally fabulous felted collar. Take 2 When you don't succeed the first time, try again! That includes crafting of course. Chipboard Heart Bracelet and Earrings Eileen made this heart jewelry set with Valentine's Day in mi...

Bead making tutorials

Copper tube beads with patina Here are some tutorials that will help you get started in the limitless art of bead making.  The first group are written by other artists, and since I don't enjoy reinventing the wheel, I'm sending you straight to the experts!  The second group are tutorials that I have written over the years that explore some simple ways to make your own beads in various media. Resources from elsewhere: Schermobeads An excellently photographed introduction to the steps involved in making lampworked beads. Polymer Clay Central Lessons, projects, and instructions from some of the finest polymer artists, all gathered in one place. The Polymer Clayspot Frequently asked questions about what it is and how to use it. Wig Jig Wire Beads A few lessons and many supplies for making twisted wire beads. Metal Clay Academy Everything you'll need to know. All Things Metal Clay More resources than you'll ever have time to read through! Beads of Cla...

Book review: Marcia DeCoster Presents

And just when you find yourself in need of some major inspiration, along comes number two in the Lark Books series "Spotlight on Beading": Marcia DeCoster Presents - Interviews with 30 beaders on inspiration and technique .  Do you remember my review for the first in the series, Suzanne Golden Presents ?  Well, this volume is another of those WOW books that I just couldn't put down.  Marcia has been incredibly prolific herself this past year, and now this time you get to sit back and enjoy the work of other artists that she has specifically chosen to showcase, not only for their beautiful work, but also for their ability to communicate their inspirations and methods. Fairy Ladder by Cynthia Newcomer Daniel Like the first in the series, this is not a how-to book, but it will certainly set you running off for your needle, thread, and beads, unable to resist trying out a little something or other that hits you between the eyes as you read.  I can't pick favo...

The best books on jewelry design

Are you ready to take the next step and begin designing jewelry for yourself?  It can be a bit daunting when you first get started, but don't let that stop you!  If you need a bit of bolstering, these book reviews will help you pick the support that's best for you: Learn to Make Bead Jewelry by Lynn Davy Crafter's Guide to Patterns by Jessica Swift Stylish Jewelry Made Simple by BeadStyle Magazine The Beader's Guide to Jewelry Design by Margie Deeb The Jewelry Maker's Design Book: an alchemy of objects  by Deryn Mentock The Beader's Color Palette by Margie Deeb The Encyclopedia of Contemporary Jewelry Making Techniques  by Vannetta Seecharran Jewelry & Beading Designs for Dummies  by Heather Dismore & Tammy Powley Vintage Jewelry Design: Classics to Collect and Wear  by Caroline Cox The Penland Book Series Push: Jewelry  by Lark Books Multistrand Jewelry  by Bead Style Magazine My e-books on innovative m...

Soutache experiments

Two weeks ago, I showed you a piece that I made for the Bead Journal Project (shown above) that uses soutache braid in its construction.  Next week I'm going to start showing you how I put the piece together , but I felt that I needed to show you some of the basic skills first. Soutache isn't hard to work with, but it does take care and patience to get it to come out right.  I suggest that before you dive headfirst into a big project, that you practice first.  The best book that I've found is Soutache , and it shows in beautiful glorious detail how to do the stitching. Some of my own tips follow: 1.  Practice wrapping the soutache braids around beads in different directions.  Stitch your bead to the inner layer of soutache alone first, and then stitch on the additional layers.  Yes, I know that it takes longer this way, but it will save you from uneven stitching and needing to rip out work.  See how my braids do not line up perfect...

heART beats from other blogs!

Anniversary Quilt - The Middles Cherie works on the middle squares of her mixed media quilt project. Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done! Jean reviews a great jewelry book compiled by Karin Van Voorhees: STYLISH JEWELRY YOUR WAY. There is even a super DVD which comes along with it! You will love it! Mixed Media Artist Cyndi FINALLY got around to finishing up a photo quilt that she started... years ago! Art Bead Scene Check out this month's new challenge artwork - The Rose Garden by Paul Klee. You will not fail to be inspired! Craft Instantly  For those who love immediate gratification type projects, this new book published by Ulysses Press gives you lots of fast and easy crafting options. Stamped Valentine's Day Card Tutorial Hurry! You still have time to make a few of these for your loved ones. The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton Andrew was recently interviewed by Jennifer VanBrenschoten for Beading Daily. The article is the first in ...

Jewelry design tutorials

Jewelry Design board on Pinterest My seven-part series: Do you want to design for yourself? My two-part series: Making your stringing designs unique Two-part series: A practical lesson in choosing colors Online jewelry design tools Creativity resources online Online color training and tools

Book review and giveaway: Beautiful Leather Jewelry

Have you ever considered leather as a jewelry-making material?  I mean, aside from using it occasionally for a necklace strap or rawhide bracelet?  Whether you've thought about it or not, you might be interested to know that Melissa Cable has been doing a lot more than thinking.  In fact, she's written a new book, Beautiful Leather Jewelry just for those who've been looking for something new. Before my copy of this book arrived, I found myself thinking, "Ok, fine.  Some rustic looking jewelry (which I like, by the way) and some stuff made from leather straps.  Whatever."  I want to tell you I was totally wrong.  Oh yeah, some of the projects are rustic looking, but many are elegant, classic, ethnic, and even futuristic.  I'm not joking.  There is a necklace that looks like something out of a Star Wars adventure. As much as you'll be tempted to jump right into the projects, I would definitely suggest reading through the introductory ...