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Showing posts from January, 2007

Close up of "Dreaming of Spring"

I sent "Dreaming of Spring" off yesterday as a submission for the new Altered Couture special issue that Belle Armoire is planning. The deadline for entries isn't until June 15, so you've got plenty of time to think about it and plan your entry! Don't let me do this all alone :-) Anyway, when I finished embellishing the brim of this vintage hat, it still seemed to be missing something. And there it was, sitting right on my work table, waiting...this cute little vintage rhinestone bee pin. I had already come up with the name I wanted to use, "Dreaming of Spring". Obviously the name was referring to the bee...I just hadn't quite figured it out yet! Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , mixed media

"Native Dance" has come home

Native Dance Native Dance was in my mailbox yesterday. This piece is supposedly going to be in the "Altered Couture" section of the next issue of Belle Armoire Magazine . Publishing schedules can change rapidly, however, so I can't swear to it! When I think about the logistics of putting together issue after issue of a popular magazine, it makes me so happy that I just write for them instead of edit or publish them :-) Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media

Shows sponsored by BeadWork & Lapidary Journal

Many new shows have been added to the powerhouse lineup of shows sponsored by BeadWork, Lapidary Journal, and Step by Step. Check out the locations and dates here .

Call for entries: Altered Couture

"Dreaming of Spring" I finished embellishing a vintage hat last night that I'm going to send off to Belle Armoire Magazine . Maybe I'll wear it for awhile first! From their website: Altered Couture (Volume 3!) (Newsstand Date: November 1, 2007) A hand-me-down sweater … a raggedy old skirt from the thrift store … a plain T-shirt … Using just a few tools coupled with your creativity, all of these items can be transformed into fantastic works of wearable art! The publisher of Belle Armoire and Somerset Studio invites you to submit your own altered and embellished clothing and accessories to be considered for the third volume of this exciting publication. Chapters will include Skirts & Dresses, Pants & Overalls, Jackets & Vests, Shirts & Tops, Children’s Wear, Sassy Shoes, and Accessories. Deadline for artwork to be received: June 15, 2007. Please read submission guidelines before sending your submissions to: Stampington ...

The Enamelist Society

I haven't done any work with enamels since those little projects that we used to do in Girl Scouts so many years ago. Do you remember the little copper shapes and how you'd lay some enamel frit on them and they'd be fired for you? It was fun, but it never captured my imagination. However, seeing works like this by David C Freda , leaves me in awe! You can find a link to David's site on the website of the Enamelist Society . Enjoy browsing some or all of the members' galleries! Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media

The Bead Bugle

Pendant by Bridgette L Rallo The new issue of the Bead Bugle has some fantastic projects in it! If you don't already get this online magazine emailed to you, take a look at this issue and consider doing so. It's published twice a month. And if you're a creative type, consider whether you'd like to submit a project :-) Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media

"A Charmed Life" update

The collaborative necklace that my artist friends and I made in 2006 has been on its last date. It arrived back from its travels yesterday, and now I need to pack it up and ship it off to Belle Armoire for an upcoming issue on collaborations. In August, the necklace will be auctioned off to support breast cancer research. It seems like a long time from now, but you know how time seems to slip away! You can read more about the history and travels of the necklace if you click on the post label "A Charmed Life" project below. Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media

Bead Style with no shipping cost

Set to arrive in March, this Bead Style special issue can be ordered until Feb 10 for $1 off plus free shipping! Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace

Dichroic glass beads

I've gotten back to a piece that I started before the holiday madness set in. There are seven of these beautiful beads that I've sort of turned into cabochons: These are some of the lovely glass work that I bought from Jeanne Kent of New Terra Artifacts . I just can't recommend her work highly enough! Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media

Fire Mountain Gems lists fashion trends forecast

Spring/Summer 2007 forecast Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media

Wonderful beading pattern by Diana Hiott

Maybe you saw it in the last issue of Bead&Button... Diana Hiott's rendition of the Mona Lisa for your wrist, all in subtle sepia photo tones. Well, the pattern is available online free, and get this: it only uses 4 colors! Wow Diana, thanks! Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry

Our trip to Guatemala

I've started to post my journal (with lots of pictures!) of our trip to visit Nate's orphanage. This link will take you to the archives of the posts , so you'll have to click on the individual links there to see the full report and the pictures. Please subscribe to Layers Upon Layers if you'd like to have automatic notices about new posts! There are lots of subscription options right there on the blog. Technorati Tags: mixed media , collage , assemblage , digital art , photography , altered books , art journals

Bead&Button show

Is anyone going? I'm not, so I'm hoping that someone else who is will send me a report on their experiences! Online registration begins on Tuesday, Jan 16. Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace

The Happiness search

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable ~ if anything is excellent or praiseworthy ~ think about these things. Philippians 4:8 NIV Now even psychology says that this is true ;-) Read Betsy Hart's new column on happiness.

Carnival of the Creators #17

Lynn, over at Adornments by Lynn , has hosted the most recent installment of our Carnival of the Creators . Go check out all the neat stuff that was submitted this time! Yours truly will be hosting next month. How about giving me some good stuff to post? You can find our FAQs here , and our submission form here . Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media , collage , assemblage , digital art , photography , altered books , art journals

Spring Fling, handmade fabric beaded necklace

Spring Fling Spring Fling showed up today! I sent it off in December for one of the spring or summer issues of Jewelry Crafts magazine. I made it back in September, and posted a few shots of it as a work in progress here: beads , close-up of beads , and wired beads . One of my New Year's resolutions is to be more aware of the calendar! Living in the moment is all well and good, but not the best way to keep track of magazine article needs ;-) Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media

Calypso came home...finally!

Calypso After being gone for about nine months, Calypso finally made its way back home. I am really relieved. I almost cried when I mailed it off, which is really not like me. That convinced me that once it got back home, it wasn't going to be for sale. Most of the time, when I've finished making something, it's like "ok, that was nice...what's next?" Not so with this one! Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media

Amy has the necklace

Here's the picture she took of it (isn't she creative?): And here's her post about receiving it! I'm looking forward to learning what outing Amy goes on. Click on the tag for "A Charmed Life" project, and you'll see all the posts on the story behind this necklace. Technorati Tags: handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media

I'm home!

I'm back from Guatemala, home in the semi-frozen Northeast! It's really not too frozen, which is a relief for me...we just left the volcano region where the daily temps are between 70 and 80 degrees. When we flew into Boston late last night, the temps were hovering around 40. I'm not complaining about that! It's extremely warm for January. But I think my blood got thinner while we were south! I'll be posting some pictures from our trip as soon as I get caught up on sleep :-) It wasn't exactly a missions trip, but it certainly wasn't a vacation either. We spent most of our time at Nate's orphanage, with a few side excursions for hiking and visiting the marketplace. Technorati Tags: digital art