Handmade Beaded Necklace Artist: Susan Shaw Business name: yellowplum beads Location: Belfast, Maine and Parrsboro, Nova Scotia Websites: yellowplum beads yellowplum etsy shop Susan, how do you describe your work? At the moment I’m focused on beadwork. I work primarily in peyote stitch which I love for its versatility. While I use very traditional techniques my work is very contemporary in style, with clean lines and fresh color combinations. Color is definitely the most important aspect of my work, at least as far as I’m concerned. It’s kind of funny that I’m a jewelry artisan, because I rarely actually wear any myself. I do really love jewelry though, and one of the main reasons is that it can be made out of anything. There’s a basic set of guidelines to consider–a piece has to be durable and wearable–but beyond that you can really get creative as far as materials are concerned, and that’s exciting. Lately I’ve been playing with paper clay a lot as well. I make molds...