My friend Sarah , who writes the delightful blog Saturday Sequins , decided to organize a blog hop in order to subvert our thinking to motivate us to think about using sequins in our bead embroidery. Sarah makes bright, happy pieces, and it just wasn't happening for me. Even though I often do make bright happy pieces. Finally, I decided to stop trying to fight it, and gave in to the dark side. That meant that there are an unfortunately small number of sequins on this piece, at least so far. I used a wonderful piece of fabric that I've been hoarding saving for a special occasion. To that I added a fabulous button that I found out in Portland OR when we went out to visit our daughter. And then I started quilting with embroidery floss, antique gold sequins, and coppery-colored 11/0 seed beads. After I was finished quilting, I added some color to the surface with some Inktense pencils ( Set of 72 ). Love the misty, spooky effect. Sometime in the futur