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Showing posts from January, 2013

Reader question: a chain that doesn't fit

Hi Cyndi, I just purchased a copper pendant that did not include a chain, so I purchased one today online.  After I purchased it, I realized the 3mm snake chain is not going to fit through the round copper hole that is attached to the pendant.  Do you sell a copper part that I could attach to the existing hole on the pendant that will be large enough for the chain to go through?  If not, do you have any other suggestions?  When I retire, or maybe I should say if I retire (will be 70 yrs old shortly) I would love to create and make my own jewelry.   So I aspire to what you do everyday.   Looking forward to your advice.   Continued joy and blessings in your jewelry making! Best wishes, Carol Hi Carol, Thanks for your question!  This is a common problem to end up with a chain that won't quite fit through the bail, but often it's because the end of the chain, and not the chain itself, is too big.  I don't sell any...

Recent publications: January 2013

Bead Bugs: Cute, Creepy, and Quirky Projects to Make with Beads, Wire, and Fun Found Objects by Amy Kopperude New Crafts: Beadwork: 25 practical projects for beadwork designs to make at home by Isabel Stanley Polymer Clay Master Class: Exploring Process, Technique, and Collaboration with 11 Master Artists by Judy Belcher and Tamara Honaman Parachute Cord Craft: Quick and Simple Instructions for 22 Cool Projects by Pepperell Company and Samantha Grenier Stonesetting for Contemporary Jewelry Makers: Techniques, Inspiration, and Professional Advice for Stunning Results by Melissa Hunt Making Metal Jewelry: How to stamp, forge, form and fold metal jewelry designs by Jen Cushman Technorati Tags: bead embroidery , handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media , beading

Reader responses: my best piece of advice

  We've got the #1, hands down, most amazing and generous readers here at Beading Arts!  I asked for your best piece of advice, and you responded with some great thoughts!  Thank you all.   Saturday Sequins said... My answer is also related to bead embroidery, and it's a lot like yours: take your time! The neater your stitches are, the nicer they look -- and also, the sturdier! The slower you go, especially at first, the more likely you are to make tidy little stitches and keep your spacing right. My other advice is to play and experiment. A lot. :) Pat Gray said... Copy the masters - find a piece you like and try to recreate at least a part of it. This used to be the method used to study art, and I've found it's a great way to learn or improve my skills, or to just get out of a rut. By the way, I am NOT advocating the theft of the designs of others and/or representing them as your own. When you're done, rip the pieces apart a...

Jewelry education for 2013

What would you like to learn how to do this year? Personally, I'm looking into soutache bead embroidery a bit!  I hope you'll take the challenge, and pick something new to work on, and maybe even to master, in 2013.  Here are links to my updated posts about various jewelry education opportunities. Free bead embroidery stitches e-book Information and tutorials to get you started Know your jewelry terms Jumpstart your learning curve with a kit Do you want to design for yourself? Take A Stitch Tuesday 2013 Bead Journal Project 2013  The Wearable Art Project 2013 Spring/Summer 2013 color and style forecast Jewelry and beading shows with classes Jewelry and beading school classes Online jewelry and beading education Creativity resources online Online color training and tools Online jewelry design tools Technorati Tags: bead embroidery , handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media , beading

Bead Journal Project: January 2013

I am so happy to be involved with the Bead Journal Project again for its 6th year!  I have been involved with it since the very beginning, but I've had life happen a few times during these years.  Last year, I knew I would be delayed in getting started, but I signed up anyway, thinking that I'd eventually catch up.  Didn't happen.  Oh well. I'm charged up and ready to go this year, and I've decided to try something completely different: for a number of years, I've been intrigued by projects that combine bead embroidery with bead weaving.  Many of you know that I've been working on finishing up my second e-book, called Some Assembly Required , which covers the use of bead weaving to embellish bead-embroidered cabochons, and to create bridges between these cabochons to form a finished piece.  Well, my new idea for this year involves using bead weaving patterns to surround and enhance those cabochons in the form of fancy bezels and surrounds.  So...

Giveaway: Tagua nut beads from Ecuadorian Hands

Ecuadorian Hands has been a part of our list of suppliers for quite some time now as a bead supplier to consider.  They are also one of our advertisers, whom you will find in the sidebar!  Tagua nut beads, aka exotic ivory, are grown and harvested in Ecuador and crafted into beautiful beads and pendants that I know you'll want to try out yourself... ***Free Stuff Alert!!!*** Would you like to win a nice selection of tagua nut beads from among those show above?  I can't tell you exactly what beads you will get because they will be shipped to you directly by Ecuadorian Hands, but I'm sure they'll be wonderful!  Just leave me a comment below and you'll automatically be entered to win.  If you tweet or post on Facebook or other social spots about the contest, you can leave a second comment and be entered twice! Please make sure that your link will lead me to an email address, or else I won't be able to contact you.  No contact, n...

Bead & jewelry blogging round-up!

  Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done! The Memories and Thanks Blog Hop which was orchestrated by the wonderful Lori Anderson was very moving to participate in. Jean thanks a young friend of her son Robert for her devotion and for everything she has done for Jean's family! The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton Andrew shares three class samples he made using Premium Seed Bead Mixes and peyote stitch. Jewelry Making Get hammered and make some pretty Valentine's Day jewelry.  Art Bead Scene Brandi gives us a thorough run down on how to select which metal to work with when designing: think of metal as colour.   Technorati Tags: bead embroidery , handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media , beading

Reader question: your best piece of advice

Since we are focusing on business and technical advice and education this month, it seemed really appropriate to post this question from my friend Val .  Val has a site called Journey into Art , and she asked for our help:   If you could give one piece of advice that helped you out the most when you first started, what would that be? My answer, in relationship to bead embroidery: Pay attention to all the little details and don't crowd your beads! So what about all of you?  What is YOUR best piece of advice for new beaders or jewelry-makers?   Share your comment here or in an email if you'd like to share an image too!  Send your reply and attachment to cyndi @ (remove the spaces), and please put advice in the subject line! Technorati Tags: bead embroidery , handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media , beading

Yay for Norma!

Norma, who writes Moonlit Fantaseas blog, is the winner of Simply Stylish Crystal Jewelry !  Congratulations to Norma!!

Book giveaway: Push Jewelry

  Push Jewelry You will find my review for Lark Publications volume Push Jewelry here , and now you have an opportunity to win a copy!  This seems like an especially appropriate prize for this month, since we are concentrating on learning new skills and techniques.  ***Free Stuff Alert!!!*** Just leave me a comment below and you'll automatically be entered to win.  If you tweet or post on Facebook or other social spots about the contest, you can leave a second comment and be entered twice! Please make sure that your link will lead me to an email address , or else I won't be able to contact you.  No contact, no win, and I simply have to go on to the next person.  Deadline: January 30, 2013. Technorati Tags: bead embroidery , handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media , beading

Beading and jewelry how-tos from the blogosphere

So, have you decided yet?  What new skill do you want to learn this year?  I'll be asking you again for real on Thursday, so think about it until then.  Here are some ideas I gathered up last year that may help you get started:    Jewelry Making Daily by Tammy Jones 8 ways to set stones Photographing your jewelry Resin confessions and foolproof solutions Intro to the flex shaft Saturday Sequins by Sarah Sequins Sequin sources Beading Daily by Jennifer 5 Free projects for beading with lampwork glass beads SoftFlexCompany Tips and tricks Technorati Tags: bead embroidery , handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media , beading

The best business advice - part two

Did you miss part one last week?  The link is at the bottom of this post!  All Freelance Writing by Jennifer Mattern How to write a blog business plan When people ask about your income Search tips for finding high paying freelance writing jobs 10 Ways freelance writers can stop interruptions before they happen Forum marketing 101: getting "easy" jobs Designing an MBA by Megan Auman The world doesn't need more stuff, it needs your stuff What your price says about your brand What value does your stuff provide? Addressing customer objections 5 Guidelines for selling your art Luann Udell Dying of exposure 10 Myths about artists Part one Part two Technorati Tags: bead embroidery , handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media , beading

Bead & jewelry blogging round-up!

  Resin Crafts! Now that ETI has a new resin clay, Carmi can work in 3d, hence her steam punk wolf cuff. Snap out if it, Jean! There's beading to be done! Jean shows and tells: a piece she made using wonderful!!! Beads Mosaic shop components becomes "The Dragonfly Chatelaine"   The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton Andrew experiments with bright neon colors and shares his method of dealing with a new color palette. Jewelry Making Tammy continues to explore bead crochet with this new necklace tutorial: Lampwork Beads and Gold Thread Crochet Necklace.   Art Bead Scene Meet the newest member of the Art Bead Scene team - lampwork artist, jewelry designer and teacher Kerry Bogart - and the chance to win a copy of her jewelry photography ecourse, Snaptastic.     Technorati Tags: bead embroidery , handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media , beading

Jewelry artist: Elisabeth DeCaprio

Each piece of Elle Desire Jewelry is gorgeously handcrafted by Elisabeth DeCaprio , mega-talented French born artisan, in her New York City studio of the finest materials & supreme workmanship. The self-taught jewelry maven produces small assortments and custom designs for private clients that include Drena DeNiro (daughter of the famed actor). Some items are even customizable to "build your own". Elle Desire Jewelry brings us the most exquisite 1-of-a-kind pieces in high quality sterling silver, fine silver, tarnish resistant silver, and 14KT GF set with a wide variety of stunning gemstones and pearls. Elisabeth has just released the "Love Collection", just in time for Valentine's Day.  Hearts dominate the “Love Collection” as they are the focal point but created with an incredibly contemporary spin. Technorati Tags: bead embroidery , handmade beaded jewelry , wearable art , beads , jewelry , necklace , mixed media , beading

Book review and giveaway: Simply Stylish Crystal Jewelry

Easy stringing and wire work makes this a great book for beginners who want lots of sparkle in their designs!   Simply Stylish Crystal Jewelry contains 31 projects that have been previously published in BeadStyle magazine, meaning they've been editor-tested and approved.  You'll find the usual clear instructions in the basics section, so you'll be able to easily make any of the projects featured here. Learn to take advantage of all the great new shapes available in crystals these days - leaves, links, frames, oceanic.  The project styles are as varied as the designers who created them! ***Free Stuff Alert!!!*** Would you like to win a copy of  Simply Stylish Crystal Jewelry ?  Just leave me a comment below and you'll automatically be entered to win.  If you tweet or post on Facebook or other social spots about the contest, you can leave a second comment and be entered twice! Please make sure that your link will lead me to an emai...

The best business advice - part one

There are several blogs that I read regularly for the astute business and technical knowledge they contain.  I have pointed each of these blogs and their authors out to you over the years, and I've encouraged you to subscribe to them.  If you're thinking about starting a jewelry or bead business in this new year, or you'd like to improve the one you have, I thought you'd benefit from some of the best posts my favorite authors had to share this year: Art Biz Blog by Alyson Stanfield Make it legal - 4 steps to an official art business Ripping through the veils of illusion around online art marketplaces Why I never advise you to follow your passion Peek inside a catalog of your art 10 Things to know before you throw your hat in the art licensing arena ProBlogger  by Darren Rowse The blogger's guide to google authorship How to hit content scrapers where it hurts Turn Twitter followers into blog subscribers in 2 steps 6 Powerful guest post tactics Why b...

Spring/Summer 2013 color and style forecast

" Green is the most abundant hue in nature – the human eye sees more green than any other color in the spectrum," said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®. "As it has throughout history, multifaceted Emerald continues to sparkle and fascinate. Symbolically, Emerald brings a sense of clarity, renewal and rejuvenation, which is so important in today’s complex world. This powerful and universally appealing tone translates easily to both fashion and home interiors." Now here's a color that I can get behind!  Emerald!!  And here are the rest: Fashion Trendsetter How much attention do you pay to the Pantone and style predictions each year?   I pay attention to general sizes and shapes for clothing and accessories, and to color only if I happen to like it ;-) Free Pantone download The current colors Fine jewelry trends for 2013 Large statement pieces TextWorld fashion trends for 2013 Color schemes f...

Memories and Thanks blog hop

My friend Lori Anderson invited me to take part in a Memories and Thanks blog hop .  Lori's events are always fun and meaningful, so I signed up.  Plus, it was back in November, and how could anyone possibly know back then that there wouldn't end up being any extra time between November and January 12! Some of you know that my husband Mike had heart surgery right after the holidays.  He is recovering very well, but we won't know if it's been successful for several more months.  It was a non-open heart procedure called cardiac ablation, intended to cure atrial fibrillation.  Cardiac ablation is considered minor heart surgery, but you can go tell that to someone who isn't in love with the patient! Like many people with moderate to severe A-Fib, Mike is athletic, lean, and extremely healthy in all other ways.  We have great hopes now that after the monitoring months are over, Mike will be able to go completely off all of the nasty drugs that have ...