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Book giveaway: Push Jewelry

You will find my review for Lark Publications volume Push Jewelry here, and now you have an opportunity to win a copy!  This seems like an especially appropriate prize for this month, since we are concentrating on learning new skills and techniques. 

***Free Stuff Alert!!!***

Just leave me a comment below and you'll automatically be entered to win.  If you tweet or post on Facebook or other social spots about the contest, you can leave a second comment and be entered twice!

Please make sure that your link will lead me to an email address, or else I won't be able to contact you.  No contact, no win, and I simply have to go on to the next person.  Deadline: January 30, 2013.

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Anonymous said…
Thank you for the opportunity to win a very interesting book.
Sure, I would like to win this and join the contest.
Unknown said…
Another delicious book! Thanks for the giveaway. Enter me please.
Cynthia said…
This book looks like it is very interesting! Thanks for the chance to win it!
Marj said…
another great give away - Thanks
this looks like a great book!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Pretty please count me in! Thx!

Angi Mullis
Whenpigsfly said…
Thanks for the giveaway!
Anonymous said…
Cool book! Thanks for the giveaway offer.
Lady Empowered said…
How exciting- this is a great giveaway offer. Sherry
czecher1 said…
Great book....and giveaway! Thank you.
Unknown said…
I don't know what the book is about but a year ago a person I had just met told me the ring I was admiring was a push ring. She meant her hubs gave it to her after their second baby.
Would love tosee what the book's all about!
ibilo said…
i m so excited. thanks a bunch!
Caren said…
Jewelry that pushes boundaries. This would be an amazing book to look through.
Chris said…
My daughter Mai is so excited about using beads to be creative. We would love to have this book.
Anonymous said…
This looks wonderful, and I would love to have a copy.
Thank you so much.
Rene' said…
Looking forward to receiving your book,(thinking possitive).
Karen said…
Thanks for the giveaway. This book looks great.
Anonymous said…
Hope I'm not too late to enter. Would be great to win. Enter me please. Regards Bea