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Book review: Sabine Lippert's Beaded Fantasies

Ready for the next book in the ever-popular Lark Beadweaving Master Class series?  Well here it is: Sabine Lippert's Beaded Fantasies.  What a beautiful book!

One of my favorite things to do with seed beads when I'm weaving rather than embroidering is to stitch up a rather plain base and embellish it with multiple passes (like this embellished RAW necklace).  Bingo!  The very first chapter of projects in Sabine's book is called Embellished Bases, and I'm in heaven!  There is no reason to struggle with your beads.  By creating a very straightforward base of RAW (or cubic RAW for an additional challenge), you can create an embellished masterpiece without losing your eyesight or your mind!

As you work your way through the book, you will really come to appreciate Sabine's father's engineering influence in the chapters on creating bezels and other sculptural structures.  Some of the pendants and bangles you will swear must be built on an armature...but no.  Artistry and precision, that's what you'll find in this inspiring new book!

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