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Welcome to Lampwork and Glass Fusing Month!

Working with hot glass or warm glass gets me excited!  I hope that you enjoy lampworked and fused beads too, and my plan is to devote this entire month to looking at what's going on in the art form.  I would love love love to have you all get involved too...whether you make or just collect art glass beads, please share with all of us what you love the most.  I'll be introducing you to some amazing artists, and there is always room for!

So don't be shy!  Send me some images of your work, either the glass beads that you make yourself, or the completed projects that you make using the beads of other artists (please include credit when you can).  Include whatever you'd like to say about your creative process and inspirations, and of course include your your website/blog link and your name!  Come on...we're waiting to see your work!

Send everything to cyndi @ (remove the spaces) and please put "glass artist" in the subject line!

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