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So proud to be from Boston

The courage of our first responders, volunteers, and fellow runners puts the spotlight clearly on the cowardice of the thugs.  So proud of all the ordinary folks who ran into the fray along with the trained first responders to provide help.


marisa desaztre said…
Por fortuna, siempre hay más personas valientes y héroes que anteponen la ayuda a las víctimas a su propia seguidad que asesinos cobardes.
Cyndi L said…
Yes, Marisa, you are right! Thank you for your support :-)
diamondix said…
My Son stayed at the Hotel 2 blocks from the bombing site and it was devastating to him. He loves Boston and the people there were so kind. We sent so many prayers to those who worked so hard, all the injured and those who stayed strong. God Bless Boston, like the Phoenix, it will rise from the horrific event. Dixie Ann