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Winter Sunrise

I had an interview with the local paper today to talk about my jewelry and mixed media work. It was fun but kind of tiring, having to think hard about how I phrased my answers. "Winter Sunrise" is one of the pieces that they decided (I think) to feature, because of the story that went along with it. All of the antique buttons were given to me by a girlfriend who died last year. She had been sick for a long time, and I made the piece prior to her death. No amount of money could ever get me to part with it!

Mostly what they wanted to talk about was the HGTV spot, and what difference that had made in my business. I think they might have been looking for a rags to riches story...sorry to disappoint, but I have always felt rich! Blessed beyond measure, if you want to know the truth :-)

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indigogarden said…
What a beautiful necklace! I don't blame you for wanting to keep it!
Cyndi L said…
Thanks Wendy! I think of my friend every time I look at it :-)
