by Cyndi Lavin
Chapter Two covers how to combine the stitches from Chapter One into more complex patterns and motifs, working seamlessly from one stitch to another as you desire, resulting in a more organic look like the example shown below. There are two more projects included to help spark your creativity in combining these endlessly fascinating stitches.
Chapter Three will introduce you to four new materials that add fabulous texture and surface interest to your bead embroidered pieces. There are also step-by-step instructions for three new stitches and four complete bracelet projects.
New for 2017!! Bored By Back Stitch has been relaunched as a three chapter e-book rather than as separate chapters.
I can hear you now, screaming that this is sacrilege! How can anyone who loves bead embroidery become bored with the foundational stitch? Back stitch is the most useful and widely used of all the bead embroidery stitches, period.
Well, I'm not really bored by back stitch, but I do admit to wanting something more!
And that "something more" is to learn to use beadweaving stitches to spice up bead embroidery. Bored By Back Stitch will teach you how to create twelve different bead embroidery motifs, using nine different beadweaving stitches. You'll learn how beadweaving stitches can be morphed into beautiful bead embroidered motifs, created to surround and enhance your cabochons, and to fill any open spaces in your bead embroidery designs.
Bored By Back Stitch, 298 pages, $8.00 US
Bored By Back Stitch, 298 pages, $8.00 US
Chapter One teaches you the twelve motifs, embroidered forms of basic peyote, Cellini spiral peyote, brick, Russian spiral, herringbone, chevron chain, right angle weave, square, African helix, and double or single St Petersburg chain. In addition, there are step-by-step instructions for three projects to help you use your motifs, like the one shown below.
Chapter Two covers how to combine the stitches from Chapter One into more complex patterns and motifs, working seamlessly from one stitch to another as you desire, resulting in a more organic look like the example shown below. There are two more projects included to help spark your creativity in combining these endlessly fascinating stitches.
Chapter Three will introduce you to four new materials that add fabulous texture and surface interest to your bead embroidered pieces. There are also step-by-step instructions for three new stitches and four complete bracelet projects.