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New beads from Earthenwood Studio

I received these new beads and pendants from Earthenwood Studio! Perhaps you've noticed the sponsor's ad in the sidebar...well these are a few of the new styles that my friend Melanie Brooks is making. I haven't decided on a project for them yet...any suggestions?

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Unknown said…
I think the larger ones would make great focal pendants. They are beautiful beads.
Cyndi L said…
Yeah, I'm trying to decide what to make with them that will keep them front and center. They don't need much, but I certainly don't want to just hang them on a black cord either LOL!!
Joy said…
How about one or two colors of silk or satin ribbon, with a messy wire wrapped bail?
Cyndi L said…
Ooooo...I like that idea, some silk ribbons. Especially since you can get them in such gorgeous muted earthy shades. I think I'm going to do that with the heart, and probably bead a strap for the deco scarab. Thanks!