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In search of a prettier circle

I've always been pretty haphazard about doing circular flat peyote stitch.  Generally, I use the method recommended in the back of both Beadwork and Bead and Button magazines: you start with a small odd-numbered circle and build off of it, each row alternating between adding one bead and two beads for each stitch.  And if need be, you alternate between one and two within a row.

It works well for awhile, but eventually it gets kind of messy.  I never worried about it too much, because I'm more into freeform than into precise geometric work anyway, but it occurred to me that maybe I ought to care, just in case...

So it was with great delight that I found Jean Campbell's instruction for circular flat peyote stitch in the most recent issue of Beadwork (Feb/Mar 2010).  Here's the thing: it's wicked easy to do and to keep track of what you're actually supposed to be doing, rather than trying to just feel your way and figure it out.  And look at the results:

Jean's icky circle

Isn't that nice?

I know that Jean's method gives you more of a flower shape, but hey, mine isn't actually a circle either! 

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Jean Campbell said…
Glad it helped, Cyndi!
Cyndi L said…
I think the results speak for themselves! Thanks for a simple and easy pattern that I probably would have been too lazy to EVER figure you ;-)
Jean Hutter said…
I thought thoses instructions were great too - this new issue of Beadwork is really a good one.
perlenmuster said…
This one looks really great.
Last circle I tried was Suzanne Coopers "really really round peyote".
that one comes out really nice, too
Cyndi L said…
I'll have to look for you remember what it was published in?
Kathryn said…
OK, now I will have to go out and buy Beadwork !
Cyndi L said…
There's lots of other good stuff in the issue too ;-)
what a cool technique! Thanks for sharing and I am off to find that issue.