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heART beats from other blogs!

Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
Jean reviews Jeweler's Enameling Workshop Techniques and Projects for Making Enameled Jewelry by Pauline Warg. Get the full basics on this wonderful technique and make something pretty!

Free Cat Trio Pattern
Like cats? Connie's got a free pattern that will be perfect for you!

'Ya Can't Please Everyone, So Ya Got to Please Yourself'
Don't compare your efforts with those of accomplished crafters and think you're not good enough. If you give up, you'll never get better. This is the voice of experience speaking.

Jewelry Creations Using Bead Box Bargain April 2016
I had a viewer ask me, "What do I make with the Bead Box Bargain shipment...well, here is what I made with the April 2016 goodies.

Crochet Designing
If you have the right tools and a little crochet knowledge, you can design your own crocheted afghan pretty easily.

Upcycled Recycling Box
Do you recycle in the bathroom? Many people don't, and it's often because there's no go place to put recyclables there. Here's an easy upcycled box to hold items for recycling in the bathroom or anywhere else.
