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Magazine review and giveaway: Artists and Makers

Interweave/F+W; $9.99

Cloth Paper Scissors presents a special edition, published by Interweave, just in time to help with your New Year's resolutions! Here is all the business and social media information you've been looking for, including insightful articles on how to get your price, get unstuck creatively, work your networks, fund your business, design your own space, get known, and give back to the world.  

As well as all these great articles, the magazine features in depth interviews with five full-time artists: Chelsea Miller, knife maker; Kevin Bradley, letterpress artist; Gustavo Victor Goler, sculptor; Jamea Richmond-Edwards, visual artist; and Amy Barick man, artist, entrepreneur, and author.  These make fascinating reading, as you learn how each of these very different personalities navigates the world of art and living.  And now you've got a chance to check it out for yourself, and an extra-long time to sign up because of the holidays! 


Would you like to win a copy of this magazine?  I've got three that need to go to good homes!  Here's what you need to do...please read this carefully. Leave me a comment here and include your email address. If I don't see your email address, I won't be able to contact you. No contact, no win, and I simply have to go on to the next person. You are welcome to spell it out if you'd prefer, for example, cyndi at mazeltovjewelry dot com. If you tweet or post on Facebook or other social spots about the contest, you can leave a second comment and be entered twice! Deadline: January 1, 2015

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Robbie said…
What a cool magazine!!! This time I'll remember my email!
ella said…
I'd love to win this! :)
Alisa said…
Oh, this would be super!

hbpsab at yahoo dot com
Cyndi L said…
For Chris:

I'd love to have a copy of this magazine! This magazine sounds like exactly what I need to get my groove back!

christineritchey51 at gmail dot com
Unknown said…
Sounds like a great magazine for anyone in the art jewelry business.
Bobbie said…
Looks like a great source of inspiration!
Paula Lee M. said…
This sounds like a magazine we could all benefit from. Would love to win it.
Eileen said…
Would love to check out this magazine . Will also let artist friends and customers know about it. Might be really helpful. Thanks,
Carolyn said…
Looks like an interesting magazine. Would love to win a copy.
