Last week I showed you a very pretty, but easy, way to feature some beaded beads in a wire bracelet. I got to thinking that the design might also work well to showcase some awesome Murano glass beads that I bought years ago in Italy and have been
I'll send you back to last week's project for the detailed directions, just noting a few important points here:
I used 12 gauge wire as the base and 22 gauge as the wrapping wire. I couldn't fit both the wires through the bead hole, so I buried the ends by wrapping back over them as shown. The 12 g was about 9 inches long, so as you can see, I was starting from the center and working outwards. I used 2 pieces of 22 g that were each about 2 yards long.
Don't worry that the wrappings right next to the middle bead will be a bit wonky. That will be covered by the next step where you will spiral back with the wire.
Bury the tails of the wrapping wire back next to the central bead. Trim the heavy wire and turn a loop on each end.
I made a hook clasp similar to the one shown last week. The link is there for the instructions.
This post contains affiliate links: Beadaholique
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