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Do you name your jewelry pieces?

You know that I don't mean naming them things like "necklace", "ring", "bracelet", etc!  I have been an advocate of naming your pieces for a long time, although I'm not very good at it and often have to turn to readers for help at the crucial moment.  Whether or not you are name-challenged like I am, I will appeal to you once more to consider coming up with names for your creations, because now I have proof that it makes a difference!

If my argument that it gives honor and value to your piece to give it a name has not convinced you, perhaps the argument of a  better writer will!  Along with that, I'm adding a bonus: a collection of articles that will help you write better descriptions of your pieces, which may in turn help you to figure out a name for them!

Not untitled: 40+ incentives to name your jewelry

Writing product descriptions for your jewelry

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Shirley said…
Cyndi, thank you for both of those articles. I did notice on the Bead Soup Blog Party that a lot of designers titled their pieces.
KayzKreationz said…
Cyndi, Thanks I'll be checking out those articles. Most of my pieces I do name, but not all. Sometimes it just doesn't come to me. But a lot of times, it just feels like it needs to be named. Then I feel silly for doing that.
Cyndi L said…
Kay, why would you feel silly? Does it feel like something only "big name" designers should be doing? Personally, I'm totally name-challenged, but readers have always been really kind about helping out :-)
Paul Bishop said…
I name most of my pieces, although as a person with limited time (full time job gets in the way, sometimes I make a piece and do not name it until much later. Many pieces cell without names.

The one I'm making now will definitely be named, and I always help out when others want names for their pieces.
Cyndi L said…
That's for sure! I think you've named the last 4 or 5 of my pieces ;-)
Anonymous said…
Yes, I do name them....but sometimes the name doesn't come to me right away. With some pieces , it's easy. I like to refer to them by name rather than "the necklace I used the fiber and seed beads to accent the focal...." or something like that.
Cyndi L said…
LOL!! Yes, something poetic is *much* nicer :-)