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TAST week 20 - bullion knot

This week for Take a Stitch Tuesday we visited with a beautiful stitch, the bullion knot!  The usual thing with bullion knot is to use it to form flowers or flower buds, so I decided that I'd make a starfish to go along with the underwater theme of my manipulated fabric quilt

So why does it look like a flower, you ask?   Because the best laid plans of needle and thread...

It looks like a flower because it is one.  Despite my resolve to be creative, I fell prey to the floral charms of this stitch.  I also didn't do a very good job keeping the wrappings even.  I'm going to have a go at it with a needle and see if I can get them to lie a bit better.  But just in case I screw them all up, I thought I'd share the picture now!  More practice in my future :-)

TAST week 1 - fly stitch
TAST week 2 - blanket stitch
TAST week 3 - feather stitch
TAST week 4 - cretan stitch 
TAST week 5 - herringbone stitch
TAST week 6 - chevron stitch
TAST week 7 - detached chain stitch
TAST week 8 - chain stitch
TAST week 9 - couching stitch 
TAST week 10 - running stitch 
TAST week 11 - whipped wheel stitch 
TAST week 16 - French knot 
TAST week 17 - wheatear stitch 
TAST week 19 - half chevron stitch 
TAST week 20 - bullion knot

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