How does your light shine?
In the halls of Shambala
Always popular for summertime, Shamballa-style bracelets have become year-round accessories for many people. And that's great, because they are SO EASY to make! I'm going to show you a version that's a little bit different, because frankly, you can get the instructions for the "normal" ones any-old-where.
Materials and Tools
36" Round or ribbon-style suede cord, 3mm
4 1/2" (stretched out) cup chain, 5mm
72" + 20" Champagne sheer Asiana ribbon, 1/4"
Or use 2mm silk fairy ribbon
Clear glue
Clip board
Tape measure
Wire cutters
Tapestry needle
Chain nose pliers
2. Fold the long length of ribbon in half and tie a macrame-style square knot around your two cords, about 5 inches down from the top.
3. Complete about 5 macrame square knots in total (covering about 1" of the cords), and squish the knots down to about 1/2".
4. Begin the next square knot, but slip the first rhinestone in your length of cup chain under the first pass of the ribbon. Pull it snug and complete the second half of the knot between the first and second stone.
5. Add a complete square knot in between each stone. Add another 5 square knots below the cup chain, but do not squish them together yet.
6. Using the tapestry needle, thread the ribbon ends through each of the last 5 knots on the back of the bracelet. Add a dot of glue to each and clip the ends off once dry. Squish the knots to about 1/2".
7. Taking the shorter length of ribbon, cross the cord ends as shown, and tie a square knot around all four cords.
8. Make 5 or more square knots and finish the ends as in step 6. Do not make these knots too tight, since you need the cords to be able to slide. Knot and clip the ends of the cords. Most people choose to leave theirs a little longer than I did, but it is entirely up to you.
9. Finished! Pretty, huh?
This post is sponsored by Offray, from whom I have received some of the products in order to create this project for you. In addition, this post contains affiliate links: Beadaholique
Copyright 2015 Cyndi Lavin. All rights reserved. Not to be reprinted, resold, or redistributed for profit. May be printed out for personal use or distributed electronically provided that entire file, including this notice, remains intact.