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A bead embroidered necklace with CZs - part two

Stitch on graduated stacks of seed beads, starting with just two and working up to around five.  Arrange the stacks along a crazy waving line that covers several inches of your necklace.  When the stacks are completed, stitch them together along the top, adding two or more beads between each stack so that they ruffle at the top.

Nestle pearls and other accent beads into the deep wells formed by the ruffled stacks.

Add more lengths of ruffled stacks and accent bead embellishments along the necklace.  I chose to only use a few accent beads on the top couple of inches of fabric on each end.

When the whole piece is bead embellished to your liking, cut a bottom piece of ultrasuede.  Stitch on a piece of wire at each of the two ends: curl the end of the wire into a circle so that you can stitch it firmly in place on the back of the top fabric.

Glue the top and back together lightly.  Using size 8/0 seed beads, stitch all the raw edges together using edging brick stitch.

Next time, the finishing touches, including the addition of the lovely CZs!

You can see the rest of the construction here:
Part one 
Part two
Part three

As regards FTC disclosure guidelines: I have received the CZ beads shown free of charge from in order to create a project free of charge for you. I have not been paid for my endorsement as it pertains to the products received.

Copyright 2010 Cyndi Lavin. Not to be reprinted, resold, or redistributed for profit. May be printed out for personal use or distributed electronically provided that entire file, including this notice, remains intact.

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Genevieve said…
Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the tutorial. Being sewing challenged, I would have never thought of the ribbon idea, but I'm thinking that I finally have to take the leap and learn how to use the sewing machine.
Cyndi L said…
Genevieve, all the sewing can easily be done by hand with a simple running stitch across the ribbons and maybe a whip stitch around the edges to hold everything together. Sometimes with smaller pieces, I don't even bother to get the sewing machine out! It just takes a bit longer to do it all by hand :-)
Jean Hutter said…
this is gorgeous - I am becoming a fam of bead embroidery and I think a beaded collar is in my future. Such fun.
Cyndi L said…
Well Jean, your bracelet has left me wanting to see more from you!
Cyndi, this is just beautiful! What about ruby plethora?
Cyndi L said…
Thanks! I want everyone to visit your link and see the gorgeous work you do...lovely lovely bead embroidery and weaving :-)