There comes a time when a blog simply has to grow up a bit. As you probably have already noticed, Beading Arts has some affiliate sponsors and a couple of regular advertisers. You've probably also noticed the disclaimers at the bottom of some of my tutorials telling you which products or supplies were provided free to me by the companies that sell them so that I could make something featuring those products and show you how to use them.
Here's what I'd like to try next: an experiment to see how well small banner ads would work for the advertiser, so that I know whether or not it's worth looking for additional sponsors. See the big ad for Earthenwood Studio near the top of the sidebar? Well, you won't be getting one that is quite that big for free! But what you will get if you enter my contest and you win is a small banner ad which will run just below my paid ads for one month, free. And I'm going to pick up to four winners!
How to enter the contest and what you'll have to do
I don't really care what kind of blog or website you run, as long as it's family friendly. It doesn't have to be bead or jewelry, or even art related. Everyone who applies will be considered equally with this exception: link farmers, scrapers, and folks who peddle "enhancement" drugs and devices need not apply.
If you'd like to enter the contest for some free traffic (which will of course include some of the most highly intelligent, creative, and NICE people in the entire readers!), just email me at cyndi @ (remove the spaces) and put sponsorship contest in the subject line.
- Write me a short description of your blog, website, online store, or business.
- Why are you interested in trying this experiment?
- Why should it be your ad? Will you send me chocolate? (ok, just kidding about the chocolate)
Deadline: March 27, 2010
By the end of March, I will select up to four sponsors who will have their ad run free for the month of April. If you're chosen, you'll have to provide me with a 125 x 125 banner image. I am really looking forward to seeing how this all works out. The best scenario would be that you get lots of sticky high-quality traffic from Beading Arts. Nothing to lose by trying, huh?
Technorati Tags:handmade beaded jewelry,wearable art,beads,jewelry,necklace,mixed media,beading