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Jewelry education for 2010

Every year, I feel that I need to add some new techniques to my repertoire. Last year, I shared a lot of education opportunities with you, and I feel that the series was very successful in spurring some folks on to try some new things.  I hope you'll take the challenge again this year, and pick something new to work on, and maybe even to master, in 2010.  Here are links to my updated posts about various jewelry education opportunities:

Spring/Summer 2010 color forecast

Jewelry and beading shows with classes

Online jewelry and beading education

Know your jewelry terms

Jewelry and beading school classes

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Sparkle Queen said…
Good Morning Cyndi! I agree! Each year I look at my hobbies, jewelry making included and see what I can learn that I haven't tried before. This year I wanted to learn Wire Crochet... and I have been having so much fun! It's almost illegal to have this kind of fun! LOL

Thanks for your great resources! All are very helpful! Have a terrific day!

Cyndi L said…
So Dawn, what are you going to do? Take a class, read a book, go to a workshop? I'd love to know how your goals work out this year :-)