I'm making some more of my fabric stuffed hearts, but this year, I'm going to add beads! Here are the instructions for them, on my mixed media art blog.
So what are you making?
You can either post your answer here in the comments, or even better, send me an email with your a list of what you're making, a link to your site or blog, and a picture of your work if you can...even if it's in process! Send it to cyndi @ mazeltovjewelry.com (remove the spaces), and put Gifts in the subject line.
NOTE: I just changed my mind, and it's all June's fault!
Update, 12/3/10, 1:20 pm
I just saw June's post on A Creative Dream, and now I'm making fabric trees instead!
Technorati Tags:handmade beaded jewelry,wearable art,beads,jewelry,necklace,mixed media,beading