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Book review: 21st Century Jewelry

Maybe you don't collect the Lark Publishing 500 Series the way I do, but if not, this is one that you don't want to miss.  21st Century Jewelry: The best of the 500 series is a compilation book, created by Marthe Le Van and a team of jury experts.  This volume has selected the best of the best from the last 10 years of brilliant Lark books featuring art jewelry.

Even though I've seen most (all?) the books that these brilliant pieces are culled from, I ended up seeing them in new ways and really enjoying the additional information provided by the jurors about what the pieces mean to them.  And I rediscovered some amazing art jewelry artists.  The pieces range from very traditional to extremely experimental, and even unwearable.  But all had something arresting about them: the beauty of a perfectly cut stone, a line, a color palette, beautiful balance.

I was totally taken by Kath Inglis's Skin-Deep Bangles (one shown above), which are totally contemporary and totally captivating.  You can see more of Kath's work on her site.  I also re-fell in love with Jessica Morrison's organic style of gold and fine silver jewelry (one shown below).  Can't get much more different  than these two artists are from each other, huh?  A trip through this book, taken over a number of days, is guaranteed to refill the well! 

Do you like resin rather than stones?  You'll find Lulu Smith's work captivating then:

Plastic fantastic?  Don't forget about Peter Chang, one of my current favorites:

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flyingbeader said…
Check out my beaded doll Sparkle in the Handmade Doll book. I am still thrilled that she made it into another book though she was one of my very first "girls".
Cyndi L said…
I saw her in there!!! I was so excited for you :-)