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Unusual Beads From India - Maruti Beads

I was approached recently by Maruti Beads, creators of some of the most beautiful and unique beads I've seen in a long time.  Was I familiar with their beads?  No.  Would I take a look at their website?  Of course.  Would I like to see a package of the beads and examine the quality for myself?  You betcha!  Aren't these gorgeous?

All of the styles that Maruti makes (Kashmiri, Lac, and some of their own proprietary Maruti) are handmade beads made by master craftsmen in India.  Look at the know that each one of these is a work of art, painstakingly created one at a time.   We don't even have a category on our Suppliers page (link up in the tabs at the top of Beading Arts), so I added their link directly to that page.

I plan to make several pieces in the near future that use these beads, but I couldn't wait that long to show them to you.  So stay tuned!

Some of the Kashmiri and Lac beads look similar at first glance, but they are made from entirely different substances.  I was happy to find this chart that explains simply what the differences are:    

Kashmiri beads: 
• Produced by combining marble powder and synthetic resin
• Use a single color base
• Have metal frame holes
• Do not soften when heated
• Are strong and durable

Lac beads: 
• Use natural resin and marble powder in their production
• Usually have no frame
• Are manufactured from multiple color bases
• Become soft when heated
• Are delicate and should be handled carefully 

Every month, Maruti Beads is giving away a $60 mixed package of their gorgeous beads.  You do NOT want to miss out on this opportunity, believe me!  Visit the link above for details on how to enter. 

As regards FTC disclosure guidelines: I have received a mixed package of beads free of charge from Maruti Beads in order to write a review and/or create a project free of charge for you.  I have not been paid for my endorsement as it pertains to the products received.

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Hello Cindy !! Wow...these beads are so beautiful !!! I have some Maruti beads too and i like them a lot !!! I didn't know that these were called like that...thank you!!
Happy creations !! KIsses ! :o)
BluMoon said…
Hi Cindy, these are gorgeous beads don't have any myself but wouldn't mind trying a few either.