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The best business advice - part one

There are several blogs that I read regularly for the astute business and technical knowledge they contain.  I have pointed each of these blogs and their authors out to you over the years, and I've encouraged you to subscribe to them.  If you're thinking about starting a jewelry or bead business in this new year, or you'd like to improve the one you have, I thought you'd benefit from some of the best posts my favorite authors had to share this year:

Art Biz Blog by Alyson Stanfield
Make it legal - 4 steps to an official art business
Ripping through the veils of illusion around online art marketplaces
Why I never advise you to follow your passion
Peek inside a catalog of your art
10 Things to know before you throw your hat in the art licensing arena

ProBlogger  by Darren Rowse
The blogger's guide to google authorship
How to hit content scrapers where it hurts
Turn Twitter followers into blog subscribers in 2 steps
6 Powerful guest post tactics
Why bloggers should self-publish
Creating online courses 101
13 Ways for bloggers to make money with advertising

Jewelry Making Journal by Rena Klingenberg
How to get found on Etsy
Can you really make a living making jewelry?

Part one
Part two

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Anonymous said…
Awesome Cyndi thank you!