Japanese Quilts
The Crafty Princess does a short video review of a beautiful book about Japanese quilts.
Royal Flowers
Cindy stitched up a model of the free Royal Flowers chart which just happens to be a favorite color combo.
Snap Out of It, Jean! There's Beading to Be Done!
Jean reviews a book on a very pretty style of peyote stitch, and it's fast too! Check out Fast Peyote Stitch Jewelry, Easy to Follow Patterns, 25+ Projects by Josie Fabre ! It's lovely!
Tissue Paper Decorated Candle
A tissue paper decorated candle is a quick and easy craft that still looks impressive. How to get perfect results every time using wax paper & a heat gun.
Recycled Guitar String Pendant DIY
The Tappingflamingo shows how she makes guitar string jewelry. This is an easy, fun tutorial that can be made quickly and inexpensively.
Amigurumi Tip 6
Learn some helpful tips about making faces for your crocheted stuff toys.