Resin Crafts!
Carmi uses a great new mold to make "people" donuts.
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
How to win the great giveaway of Maggie Meister's Classical Elagance--an amazing and breathtaking book! See jean's blog!
The Bead Dreamer
Charlene shares her dreamy mermaid necklace and links to other participants in her first ever jewelry challenge. Jewelry Making
Set up your jewelry designing by making the perfect jewelry sets.
Art Bead Scene
Try something different with your art beads - ribbon!
Carmi's Art/Life World
Margot Potter's new book inspired Carmi's new linked necklace.
Cindy Gimbrone Beads
Need some iron in your jewelry diet? Tuesday Tangle has just what you're looking for!
Technorati Tags:handmade beaded jewelry,wearable art,beads,jewelry,necklace,mixed media,beading