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Treasures from vacation

I got to do some junking and antiquing when Mike and I visited my parent recently. Fortunately for him, Mike got to fish while I was out doing it! Here are a couple of the highlights of what I picked up in the photo above.

One of the best things I found were these steel-cut buttons.  I know what I'm going to use them for, but not precisely!  I've got a piece in mind that will also use some steel-cut seed beads and some small jet beads.  Just have to clear away a few other projects first ;-)

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How nice!!!!! I like the buttons!!!
Cyndi L said…
I'm looking forward to using them in a big necklace :-)
flyingbeader said…
one word....ooooohhhhhhh

I love junking! Yell if you need another steel button...I'm pretty sure I've got one like those
Cyndi L said…
Well that's really cool! I don't need any more for the design I've got in mind, but I'd sure love to see a picture of yours...I wonder if they are identical :-)
Heather said…
Very nice. I too love junking or re-cycling, you get a collection of wonderful bits and pieces to create unique jewelry. So much fun.
Bali villas said…
love to shopping around on vacation spot specially looking for house decoration...
Cyndi L said…
Ok, it's unanimous! Everyone likes junking on vacation ;-)