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Book review: Laura McCabe's Embellished Beadweaving

Laura McCabe's Embellished Beadweaving: Jewelry Lavished with Fringe, Fronds, Lacework & More (Beadweaving Master Class (Lark Books))

Let me share something with you: I never ever read straight through a beading book that I'm supposed to review and then turn right around and read straight through it a second time.  But with Laura McCabe's Embellished Beadweaving, I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up reading straight through it a third time.  There is just so much information and so many tips!

Yes, the book really is that good.  The illustrations and step by step instructions turn the most elaborate looking decorative touch into something you'll be totally confident that you can do.  Laura is a master at taking beads of slightly different sizes and shapes, and stitching them together to form the most wonderful fringes, fronds, and lacework embellishments.  As you work your way through this book, I am convinced that you'll never look at your own beadweaving the same way again.

This book is part of Lark Books' Master Class series.  Lark has a fabulous interview online with Laura, and there is a link to a free download for her Herringbone Cluster Earrings!  Visit now and see if this is a book that you want to add to your library.  

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